cd pub; more beer

My flight is delayed.  Probably.  They won’t commit.  “We’re probably gonna be late, just so you know, but YOU should be there on time ANYWAY, ’cause we MIGHT get our shit together and get another aircraft.”[1]  Well, at least they told me.

[1] Not their exact words.

Stupid directional earbuds

I’ve started using an iPod a friend of mine gave me (thus using less memory on my iPhone).  I’m using the earbuds that came with my iPhone5.  Probably once a day I realize that they’re really faint, and that I have them in the wrong ears, pointed the wrong way.


Grammar fail

I hate it that I’ve seen so many bad grammatical constructs that I had to Google whether “hers” or “her’s” is correct.

(Of course it’s “hers”.  You wouldn’t say “hi’s”, would you?  Gawd, I hope not.)

“Work spouse”

I ran into this phrase in a Think Geek ad, Googled it, and found this:

One source characterizes the relationships as “platonic, close, opposite-sex couplings, with no romantic strings attached.””

Let me just say, I’m happy that my “work spouse” is my actual spouse.  (And, just to be clear, it’s non-platonic and there are romantic strings attached!  ðŸ™‚  I <3 working from home!