A friend of mine is on Facebook working on losing 200 lbs (starting from 420, I think he said). He asked if anyone had any nutritional tips. Well. I posted a few, and figured I’d post them here, too.
On a side note, I’m kind of surprised that pasting from FB into WordPress worked so well. Modern technology is pretty amazing.
Larry Clapp Here are two places I recommend that give a broad outline of what to eat, or actually what *not* to eat:http://www.archevore.com/
get-started/ . The first time I read that, I thought, “that guy is whacked”, but the more I read, the more it was in line with current, evidence-supported theories about diet, nutrition, and health.An Archevore is someone who eats based on essential principles, and also someone who hungers for essential principles. Take your pick. -
Larry Clapp And there’s http://www.gnolls.org/
1141/ . “Predators eat meals, prey grazes on snacks.”eat-like-a-predator-not-lik e-prey-paleo-in-six-easy-s teps-a-motivational-guide/ “Eat Like A Predator, Not Like Prey”: The Paleo Diet In Six Easy Steps, A Motivational Guide – GNOLL?”How does the paleo diet work?” Here’s the simple, solid, and strongly motivational step-by-step guide. You can do this! -
Larry Clapp Okay, three places: http://
www.marksdailyapple.com/ .definitive-guide-to-the-pri mal-eating-plan It’s not an accident that all three of these guys (and their websites) are heavily into reading the actual studies (not just news stories about them); heavily into what’s *practical* as opposed to some fleeting *optimal*; and (grrr) heavily, though pretty much accidentally, *opposed* to “conventional wisdom” about diet, exercise, and health.
And all three of their eating plans are similar. Imagine.
Do the Math In my recent Context of Calories post, I explained how the different…See More -
Larry Clapp My biggest piece of advice is, only make changes that you can live with for the rest of your life.
– wheat and other grains are actually not that good for you, and wheat in particular is actively bad for most people.
– The whole “gluten free” thing? Not a fad, and a good idea to at least try.
– The whole “low carb” thing? Also not a fad. (Well, okay, it was, for a while.) But it turns out that consuming too many carbs does tend to promote obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and just general poor health. “Too many” varies by individual, but < 100g/day is a good place to aim for when trying to lose weight. Contrast this to the “recommended daily intake” of *over 300g/day*!
– Eating fat doesn’t “make you fat”, turns out that’s sugar (and probably things that taste like it, like supposedly non-caloric sweeteners).
– Skipping meals is okay, and may in fact be actively good for you. Search MDA for “fasting” and “intermittent fasting”
– The “six meals a day” thing to “keep your metabolism going” is not actually supported by the evidence.